Hi there! This site is the hub and central source of truth for all my on-line presences.
)Thank you for visiting my website! I just set it up so there isn't much right now but I'll slowly add content. Feel free to contact me and talk about programming or computer security.
The online world moves fast—new websites popping up and old ones fading away, everyone trying to be the next big thing. It gets tiring after a while, and that's why I made this page: to slow down. This is a place where I can write free of distractions, free of manipulation. I'll probably write about many things, and I'll eventually orginize the whole thing into sub-pages, but what I hope is that I can inspire someone to take the same strangely anachronistic step that I have.
When people make their own websites these days, it's always a portfolio, an attempt to sell something. I'm not interested in selling anything—in fact, with any luck, my writings might convince you not to buy some junk. The only thing I think you should buy, if you've got the money, is a domain name. It's the most basic unit of online identity, and there's a reason companies pay millions for them.
Buy a domain name that speaks to you and put something up there. Unlike when posting on the corporate content farms, there's no moderator breathing down your neck, no structure, no limits but the edges of the screen.